{Player’s Guide}

Chapter Fourteen

Horses, Wagons, Boats and Pets

Yes, I know, there’s no Chapter Thirteen. People are superstitious in this time period. Just keep reading…


Under every good citizen is a good horse. If you want your horse to take care of you, then you need to take care of it.

You can purchase horses at the stables in several towns. Just look for the horseshoe icon, go inside, and follow the prompt in the bottom right to talk to the stable master. He offers a wide selection wagons.

You’ll be presented with a wide selection of horses and wagons to choose from. Pick the one that’s right for you and purchase it by clicking on the dollar amount next to the one you want. Purchasing with gold is disabled. Click the name of the horse to see a preview of it. Don’t forget to CONFIRM your purchase.

There are also complements for your horse, like blankets, saddles, stirrups, customized manes, customized tails, and more. Complements for your horse come at a charge. Select your horse in the stable, and then pick each complement you want. If changing complements, you may need to reset each one to what you want, so it’s easier to get it set right and leave it alone.

Feeding your horse is important to keep it in tip top shape. To make sure you can feed your horse when needed, simply make sure you’ve purchased hay cubes, corn, apples, carrots, or oat cakes from the General Store. Stimulants for your horse can also be purchased.

From there, it’s just as simple as sitting on your trusty steed, opening your inventory with [I] on the keyboard, and double click on the item you want to feed to your horse. Your horse will love you for it.

You can brush your horse to keep it clean, too. Walk up near your horse and use the horse brush from your inventory. You’ll need to purchase a brush from a General Store, of course.

And let’s not forget, if you and your horse get separated, you can always whistle for it. Do that by pressing [H] on the keyboard. It will spawn about 10-15 meters in front of you or on a road or safe spot nearby.

Access your horse’s inventory by pressing [U] on the keyboard and choosing Saddle Bags.


Need more storage than your horse can handle? Or maybe you just wanna be able to fit all your friends in one wagon for a road trip?

You can purchase a personal wagon from the same stable that sells horses in pretty much the same way. Click the name of the wagon to see a preview, and click the dollar amount to purchase it. Be sure to CONFIRM your purchase.

Set your default wagon by selecting it in the stable after purchasing it, then you can “call” it by pressing [J] on the keyboard. Wagons will spawn about 10-15 meters in front of where you are facing.

Access your wagon’s inventory by pressing [U] on the keyboard and choosing Inventory.

Killed animals and pelts can be placed in the following wagons: Hunting Cart, Cart 3, Cart 4, Cart 6, Cart 8, Utility Wagon, Wagon 6, and Wagon 8. Wagons with a totally enclosed bed work best because animal carcasses will bounce around a bit depending on your driving style and the the terrain. The utility wagon seems to work the best. To put animals in, simply walk up to the wagon while holding the animal and follow the prompt in the bottom right of your screen.

Additional wagon/cart storage options:

  • When standing next to your car while holding a pelt, carcass, or NPC, “focus” on your cart with left trigger on controller, or right mouse button.
  • You get the option to “Load Cart” by holding the camera view change button on controller or V on keyboard.
  • To unload cart, you’ll get the “Unload Cart” when holding nothing. Same camera view change buttons open a menu.
  • Choose what to unload, then it’s placed on the ground behind the wagon/cart. NPCs sometimes disappear when unloaded. This is a OneSync issue that can’t be corrected at this time.
  • Different wagons/carts have different amounts they can hold.
  • This is totally different than wagon/cart inventory, which is unchanged with this addition.
  • WARNING: These do NOT save after logout, deleting wagon, or server restarts!

To put your wagon away (delete it), sit in the seat and enter /dv in chat. You can also press U like you would access the inventory but choose the dismiss wagon option, and it will disappear after a few seconds.

OFF LIMITS TO CIVILIANS: Prison Wagon and Doctor Wagon (These are only to be used by characters approved for those jobs.)


It can get lonely living out on the farm or sitting in your camp. Why not have a companion? No, I’m not talking about a whore, I’m talking about a pet, you deviant!

You can purchase a pet at the white paw print marker in Valentine. There’s several to choose from, so take your time.

Once you’ve purchased your pet, it will be waiting for you in the stall nearby.

To call your pet, enter /callpet in chat. It will follow you until you stop moving for a bit, then it may stand still. If you want it to start following you again, enter /callpet in chat again.

To send your pet away, enter /fleepet in chat.


There are some boats you can purchase at the boat symbol markers on the map, if you so choose. They can only be spawned AT the purchase points, though. We don’t want boats all over the place. You can, however, get the dockmaster to transfer them to another dock for a fee.

Once you’re sitting in your boat, you can press the letter [O] on the keyboard to open it’s menu.

There are various things you can do in the boat menu like anchor your boat and store your boat.

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