Chapter Five
Currently, only large animals/birds and fish may be sold to the butcher. (any animal/fish/bird that can be stowed on your horse). Fauna that get stored in your satchel/inventory directly can be sold at General Stores.
DEADEYE is disabled on the server. You do have Eagle Eye available to use when hunting – the functionality of Eagle Eye for hunting is the same as the normal game. Press down on both joysticks on the controller at the same time to activate.
When you kill a larger animal, you get meat and possibly an animal hide item from it when you skin it. You can then put the pelt and carcass on your horse for selling to the butcher. Smaller animals go into your inventory and can be sold to General Stores or used in cooking recipes. Carcasses are limited to 1 large one on the back of your horse and 1 medium one on each side of your horse. Pelts can stack on the back of your horse.
To sell carcasses to the butchers:
Remove the animal from your horse and carry it to the butcher stand. When you see the on screen prompt, hold the [SPACEBAR] key to sell it to the butcher. You’ll receive a little money. Any carcasses and pelts on your nearby horse can be sold by continuing to press space bar until they’re all sold.
Small animal traps, bird traps, and reptile traps can be purchased from General Stores in the “tools” section, or from carpenters who can make them.
- Use the trap from your inventory, then follow the prompts to place it.
- Focus on the trap with left trigger on controller or right click on mouse, like you would focus on your horse.
- Follow the prompts for adding bait, picking it up, or removing your catch.
- Every 5 minutes that your trap is set, you should catch something, if you’re in the right spot and using the right bait.
- There is a max of 1 catch before you must empty it.
Small Animal Trap Locations & Baits:
- Rat – Cheese Bait – Vanhorn, Cinco Torres, Arroyo De La Vibora, Aguasulces Farm, DiezCoronas, New Austin, Aguasdulces Ruins, GuarmaD, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Scarlett Meadows, Calumet Ravine, Stillwater Creek, Cholla Springs, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Manzanita, Great Plains, Blackwater, Big Valley, Cumberland Falls, Fort Wallace, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West, Twin Rocks, Pikes Basin
- Chipmunk – Corn Bait – Tall Trees, Cinco Torres, Manzanita, Pikes Basin, Calumet Ravine, Montos Rest, Fort Wallace
- Skunk – Bees – Van Horn, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, New Austin, Scarlett Meadows, Manzanita, Twin Rocks, Montos Rest, Cumberland Falls, Stillwater Creek, Aguasdulces Farm, GuarmaD, Cholla Springs, Great Plains, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West
- Muskrat – Bread Bait – Stillwater Creek, Scarlett Meadows, Great Plains, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West
- Raccoon – Eggs – Van Horn, Wapiti Indiana Reservation, Blackwater, Montos Rest, Cumberland, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West, Van Horn, Diez Coronas, GuarmaD, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Scarlett Meadows, Hennigans Stead, Cumberland Falls, Fort Wallace, Tall Trees, Big Valley, Montos Rest
- Rabbit – Wild Carrots (consumable) – Stillwater Creek, Aguasdulces Farm, Two Crows, Pikes Basin, Twin Rocks, Calumet Ravine, Big Valley, Montos Rest, Cumberland Falls, Fort Wallace, Van Horn, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Manzanita, Scarlett Meadows, Great Plains, Cumberland, Tall Trees, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Cholla Springs, New Austin, Hennigans Stead, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West
- Possum – Rats – Stillwater Creek, Fort Wallace, Van Horn, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Great Plains, Big Valley, Montos Rest, Cumberland Falls, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West
- Badger – Honey Comb – Van Horn, Diez Coronas, Aguasdulces Farm, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Pikes Basin, New Austin, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Hennigans Stead, Scarlett Meadows, Cumberland, Fort Wallace, Stillwater Creek, Great Plains, Big Valley, Montos Rest, Cumberland Falls, Tall Trees, Diez Coronas, Two Crows, Twin Rocks, Manzanita, Fort Wallace, Grizzlies East, Grizzlies West
- Squirrel – Yarrow Seed – Manzanita, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Calumet Ravine, Scarlett Meadows, Motos Rest, Cumberland, Cumberland Falls, Hennigans Stead, Big Valley, Tall Trees, Fort Wallace, Stillwater Creek, GuarmaD, Wapiti Indian Reservation
Reptile Traps Locations & Baits:
- Blacktail Rattlesnake – Rat – Pikes Basin, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Hennigans Stead, Guarma D, Aguasdulces Farm
- Ferdelance Snake (Copperhead) – Eggs – Pikes Basin, El Nido, Rio Bravo, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, GuarmaD, Aguasulces Ruins, Cinco Torres, Rio Del Lobo Rock, Gaptooth Ridge, Hennigans Stead, Plainview
- Redboa Snake – Black Berry – Flat Iron Lake, GuarmaD, Aguasdulces Farm, Aguasdulces Villa, La Capilla, El Nido, Cholla Springs, Aguasdulces Ruins
- Water Snake – Yarrow Seeds – Flat Iron Lake, Bahia De La Paz, GuarmaD, Aguasdulces Farm, Arroyo De La Vibora, Aguasdulces Ruins, La Capilla
- Western Rattlesnake – Bees – Aguasdulces Ruins, Pikes Basin, Hennigans Stead, Diez Coronas, Punta Rogullo, Perdido, Cholla Springs, Gaptooth Ridge, Cinco Torres, Rio Del Lobo Rock, Plainview
- Bull Frog – Cricket Bait – Fat Iron Lake, Bahia De La Paz, Cinco Torres, Arroyo De La Vibora, Aguasdulces Ruins, La Capilla, GuarmaD, Aguasdulces Farm, Van Horn, Bluewater Marsh, Bayou, Kamassa River, Lannahechee River, San Luis River, Elysian Pool, Aguasdulces Villa
- Toad – Worm Bait – Flat Iron Lake, Arroyo De La Vibora, Cinco Torres, Aguasdulces Ruins, Van Horn, Bluewater Marsh, Bayou, Kamassa River, Lannahechee River, Scarlett Meadows, Elysian Pool, GuarmaD, Aguasdulces Farm, Cholla Springs, Aguasdulces Villa, Plainview, Rio Del Lobo Rock, Hennigans Stead, Pikes Basin, Twin Rocks, Gaptooth Ridge, Tumbleweed, San Luis River
- Iguana – Red Raspberry – Flat Iron Lake, Arroyo De La Vibora, Aguasdulces Ruins, Aguasdulces Village, Guarma, Pikes Basin, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Rio Bravo, San Louis River
- Iguana (Desert) – Creekplum – Cholla Springs, Aguasdulces Ruins, La Capilla, Gaptooth Ridge, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Plainview, Rio Del Lobo Rock, Hennigans Stead, Pikes Basin, Twin Rocks, Tumbleweed, Rio Bravo, San Luis River
- Gila Monster – Blood Flower – Cholla Springs, Rio Del Lobo Rock, La Capilla, Diez Coronas, Punta Orgullo, Perdido, Hennigans Stead, Pikes Basin, Twin Rocks, Gaptooth Ridge, Tumbleweed, Rio Bravo
Bird Traps Locations & Baits:
- Crow – Corn Bait – Eris Field, Bahia De La Paz, Cinco Torres, Arroyo De La Vibora, DiezCoronas, Aguasdulces Farm, Aguasdulces Ruins, Guarma D, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Hanging Dog Ranch, Hawks Eye Creek, Cattail Pond, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Scarlett Meadows, Roanoke Valley, Calumet Ravine, Mossy Flats, Brandywine Drop, Three Sisters, Roanoke
- Songbird – Blackberry – Vanhorn, Hanging Dog Ranch, Cattail Pond, Three Sisters, Twin Stack Pass, Eris Field, Hawks Eye Creek, Twin Stack Pass, Scarlett Meadows
- Sparrow – Red Raspberry – Vanhorn, Hanging Dog Ranch, GuarmaD, Wapiti Indiana Reservation, Three Sisters, Brandywine Drop, Roanoke, Brandywine Drop, DiezCoronas, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Calumet Ravine, Scarlett Meadows, Wallace Station, Roanoke Valley, Hawks Eye Creek, Cattail Pond, Calumet Ravine, Tanners Reach
- Woodpecker – Sugarcane – Roanoke Valley, Arroyo De La Vibora, Hanging Dog Ranch, Wallace Station, Cattail Pond, Three Sisters, Brandywine Drop, Tall Trees, Aguasdulces Farm, Hawks Eye Creek, Calumet Ravine, Tanners Reach
- Robin – Bread Bait – Eris Field, Aguasdulces Farm, GuarmaD, Twin Stack Pass, Mossy Flats, Roanoke Valley
- Oriole – Worm Bait – Eris Field, Hawks Eye Creek, Twin Stack Pass, Mossy Flats, Brandywine Drop, Cinco Torres, Aguasdulces Farm, GuarmaD, Hanging Dog Ranch, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Roanoke Valley, Calumet Ravine, Roanoke
- Carolina Parakeet – Yarrow Seed– Cinco Torres, AguasdulcesFarm, GuarmaD, El Nido, Bahia De La Paz
- Bat – Bees – Eris Field, Bahia De La Paz, Cinco Torres, Arroyo De La Vibora, DiezCoronas, Aguasdulces Farm, Aguasdulces Ruins, GuarmaD, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Hanging Dog Ranch, Hawks Eye Creek, Cattail Pond, Wapita Indiana Reservation, Scarlett Meadows, Roanoke Valley, Calumet Ravine, Mossy Flats, Brandywine Drop, Three Sisters, Roanoke
- Bluejay – Creekplum – Brandywine Drop, DiezCoronas, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Calumet Ravine, Scarlett Meadows, Wallace Station, Roanoke, Eris Field, Hawks Eye Creek, Twin Stack Pass
- Cardinal – Blood Flower – Brandywine Drop, DiezCoronas, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Calumet Ravine, Scarlett Meadows, Wallace Station, Roanoke, Roanoke Valley, Arroyo De La Vibora, Hanging Dog Ranch, Cattail Pond, Three Sisters, Eris Field, Cinco Torres, Aguasdulces Farm, GuarmaD, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Calumet Ravine, Brandywine Drop
- Cedarwaxwing – Cricket Bait – Roanoke Valley, Hawks Eye Creek, Cattail Pond, Calumet Ravine, Mossy Flats, Tall Trees, Aguasdulces Farm, GuarmaD, Calumet Ravine, Tanners Reach, Eris Field, Cinco Torres, Hanging Dog Ranch, Wapiti Indian Reservation, Roanoke Valley, Brandywine Drop, Roanoke
Legendary Hunting
You think you’re a great hunter? Do you have what it takes to hunt legendary animals? Come visit Gus Macmillan in one of the several places he’s known to camp and see if you can follow the clues to bag that trophy legendary animal!
- Talk to Gus to choose a legendary hunt to do. (Green dollar sign paw prints on the map).
- He will give you the last known sighting of the the animal you choose to hunt.
- Go there and investigate, looking for carcasses it may have left behind or other clues to search.
- Be wary of the dangerous poachers out in the areas, they will attack you and must be wiped out for your next clue.
- You could encounter other dangerous animals, groups of animals, or other deadly things. Be prepared with first-aid supplies.
- Once you’ve bagged your animal, skin it and return the pelt to Gus for a large share of the meat and hide.
- These hunts only give meat & hides when you complete them, at this time.