{Player’s Guide}

Chapter Seven


In order to fish, You’ll need to own a fishing pole and have some bait in your character’s inventory.

STOP!!! Before you go further – This script uses a “Press & Hold” function for reeling, and not using rotations of the right thumb stick. Pause the game. Go to settings>Controls. Scroll down till you see “Hold for Reel” and enable that setting if it isn’t activated already.

  • Go to any gun store to buy the fishing pole. Remember to equip the fishing pole after purchase. To do this, Open your ped’s inventory by pressing the I key. Double click on the fishing pole icon in your inventory to equip it.
  • Purchase bait at any general store. You can hold a max of 10 of each type in inventory.
  • While holding your pole in hand, open your inventory, double click the bait icon. Your ped will attach one bait to your hook.

The mechanics of fishing in RedM are similar to that of single player and online, with slight differences: Casting is the same, but I will caution You to cast out only as far as you need to. Reeling function is slow, so the further you must reel in, the longer this will take.

Once you hook a fish, follow the prompts to reel in. Alternate between raising the rod (aiming) and pulling to the right while reeling. This alternating action will help “pull” the fish closer with each successive alternation. The alternating action seems to work best aiming to hold the rod upright when the fish fights and releasing aim and pulling the rod in the direction it falls (usually falls to the right).

Once the fish is reeled in, your ped will hold the fish up (as seen in single player/online. and you will be given two options, Save (keep the fish) and cancel (release the fish).

Small fish will store in your inventory. Large fish will stow on horse back and/or in a hunting wagon as normal. You can take larger fish to the butcher. Both small fish and the meat you get from the butcher can be cooked, or sold at the Fish & Seafood Market in St. Denis.

A few tips for use of the script:

  • Use “hook” option when a fish is splashing near your bait.
  • Standing on a slightly elevated position next to the water will “close the gap” on reeling the fish in as the height of the object (a dock or smaller boulder for example) accounts for distance from player.
  • Choosing calm fishing waters produces better results than faster moving streams and rivers. Reeling against the current is inevitable and could lengthen the amount of time it takes to reel a fish in. Your line/bobber can also be pulled into a position where you are unable to reel the fish past a bend in the river/stream bank, etc.

If you arrive at a lake/pond and don’t see any fish, they’ll usually respawn in the water if you quit and log back in.

Remember, the fish/seafood market in St. Denis is where you can buy and sell fish, crab, crawfish, and frog legs.

Here’s a quick tips & tricks video for fishing:



Fish traps can be purchased from General Stores in the “tools” section, or from carpenters who can make them.

  • Use the trap from your inventory, then follow the prompts to place it in the edge of water. You can’t place it too deep or you won’t be able to interact with it.
  • Focus on the trap with left trigger on controller or right click on mouse, like you would focus on your horse.
  • Follow the prompts for adding bait, picking it up, or removing your catch.
  • Baits for fish traps include: corn bait, worm bait, and bread bait.
  • Every 5 minutes that your trap is in the water’s edge, you should catch something, if you’re in the right spot and using the right bait.
  • There is a max of 1 catch before you must empty it.
  • Fish that can currently be caught in traps, depending on bait and trap location are: Bluegill, Bullhead Catfish, Chain Pickerel, Largemouth Bass, Perch, Rainbow Trout, Redfin Pickerel, Rock Bass, Sockeye Salmon, and Smallmouth Bass.

Fish Trap Locations & Baits:

  • Small BluegilCorn Bait – Aurora Basin, DiezCoronas, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Sea of Coronado, Flat Iron Lake, Owanjila, Barrow Lagoon, San Luis River, Lower Montana River, Upper Montana River, Lannahechee River, Don Julio Lake, Kamassa River, Dakota River, Moonstone Pond, Bayou Nwa, Elysian Pool, and Arroyo De La Vibora.
  • Small Bullheadcat – Worm Bait – Moonstone Pond, Elysian Pool, Barrow Lagoon, Kamassa River, Bayou Nwa, Lannahechee River, Upper Montana River, Lower Montana River, Lake Don Julio, and Dakota River.
  • Small Chain Pickerel – Cheese Bait – Moonstone Pond, Bahia De La Paz, Lower Montana River, Little Creek River, Kamassa River, Arroyo De La Vibora, and Elysian Pool.
  • Large Mouth Bass – Cricket Bait – Cattail Pond, DiezCoronas, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Sea of Coronado, Owanjila, Lake Don Julio, Flat Iron Lake, Barrow Lagoon, Aurora Basin, San Luis River, Lannahechee River, Dakota River, Bayou, Arroyo De La Vibora
  • Small Perch – Bread Bait – Cattail Pond, Kamassa River, Barrow Lagoon, Aurora Basin, Lower Montana River, Lannahechee River, Moonstone Pond, Matlock Pond, Bahia De La Paz, Heartlands Overflow, Arroyo De La Vibora
  • Medium Rainbow Trout – Creekplum – Mattlock Pond, Owanjila, Lake Don Julio, Lower Montana River, Dakota River, Arroyo De La Vibora
  • Small Redfin Pickerel – Red Raspberry – Bahia De La Paz, Arroyo De La Vibora, DiezCoronas, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, Barrow Lagoon, Dakota River, Owanjila, Elysian Pool, Upper Montana River, Kamassa River
  • Small Rock Bass – Bees – Cattail Pond, Bahia De La Paz, Owanjila, Heartlands Overflow, Barrow Lagoon, San Luis River, Lower Montana River, Dakota River, Lanahechee River
  • Medium Salmon Sockeye – Black Berry – Bahia De La Paz, Arroyo De La Vibora, San Luis River
  • Small Mouth Bass – Parasol Mushroom – Sea of Coronado, Flat Iron Lake, Elysian Pool, Upper Montana River, San Luis River, Kamassa River, Dakota River, Moonstone Pond, Bayou Nwa


Crab & Crawfish traps can be purchased from General Stores in the “tools” section, or from carpenters who can make them.

  • Use the trap from your inventory, then follow the prompts to place it near but not in water.
  • Focus on the trap with left trigger on controller or right click on mouse, like you would focus on your horse.
  • Follow the prompts for adding bait, picking it up, or removing your catch.
  • Baits for crab/crawfish traps is: corn bait.
  • Every 30-40 minutes that your trap is in set in a good area, you should catch something.
  • There is a max of 4 catches before you must empty it or no more will be caught.

Crab/Crawfish Trap Locations & Baits:

  • Crab – Corn Bait – Flat Iron Lake, DiezCoronas, Bahia De La Paz, PuntaOrgullo, Perdido, GuarmaD, Arroyo De La Vibora
  • Crawfish – Bread Bait – Lakay, Bayou Nwa, Vanhorn, Bluewater Marsh, Arroyo De La Vibora, GuarmaD, Kamassa River
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